Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Sick Profit

If you haven’t seen this recent headline in the news here’s a link to the news about a Paris museum who decided to sell stolen American Native artifacts:


First off, I have a few select words I’d like to say: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD!!!!!  Where does a museum, or 
person for that matter, get off selling “artifacts” that hold significant meaning to a culture that wants them back because they were stolen?

I mean seriously….Let’s look at it this way. 
A foreign army comes into Rome, sacks St. Peter’s Church and makes off with extremely valuable artifacts  that the Vatican holds dear some of which relate back to the time Jesus walked the Earth.  As a Christian, I would be furious, and I’m sure the millions of Catholics and Christians of the world would do anything in their power to get those artifacts back.  

The sad truth of the matter is that those artifacts would be handed over immediately. 
When something like this happens to people in power it doesn’t go unchecked.  Instead it’s taken care of the second it’s talked about.

So let me ask again….WHY did a court even approve the selling of these sacred masks in the first place? When is the world going to wake up and smell the shit storm that is brewing between all the cultures of the world!!!! Isn’t it bad enough that everything has been stolen from the indigenous Natives of America?
Why add more pain to a wound that doesn’t seem like it’s going to heal anytime soon?
I say give the masks back NOW.  They were never artifacts to begin with, they were stolen property. I’m sick of the way Natives are being treated in this country and others.

Let the spirits rest in peace and return the sacred items back to the Hopi natives before I get out there and whoop some serious ass. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on this one Sean. I think the same thing all the time. It seems as though it concerns many things these days, the sickening obsession with profit that only values its self and sees only in dollar signs...

    But when you really think about it, the truly depressing thing is knowing these people who engage in this type of behavior really don't care. I mean, come on, if anyone in power really cared about any of those their abuses of power harm, they would stop behaving the way they do.

    It's funny too, because this isn't just a Native American thing, one of my favorite musicians, Lowkey, is an underground Hip-Hop artist from the U.K. whose is not only half British but half Iraqi as well, so you can image the craziness there,and his music reflects that struggle of dealing with that conflicting inner turmoil.

    For instance, in one of his songs, he raps about the topic your speaking of, but in reference to the hegemony of British Museums and their existence as robbers essentially.

    The line goes "They say hand in the looters the minute you see them, but the biggest looters are the British Museum."
